Weight Loss Transformation

I like to share my lifestyle changes with my patients, as well as offer my medical expertise. I have helped many clients start their weight loss journey and successfully reach their goals. It gives me great joy to see my patients lose weight, feel better and most importantly improve their overall health. This months weight loss transformation started her program [...]

By |2019-07-06T17:09:34-04:00July 7, 2019|Lifestyle Changes|0 Comments

Dr. Darby’s Weight Loss Transformation

Six years ago I turned 40.  I was feeling sluggish, had gained some extra weight over time and didn’t feel well mentally or physically! I decided to focus on losing the weight and took the first steps to change my life. I became more diligent in taking care of myself! I changed my diet to low carbohydrates and high protein [...]

By |2019-06-05T04:18:29-04:00June 5, 2019|Lifestyle Changes|0 Comments


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